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To bring down nitrogen emissions, the Dutch government aims to buy out farmers of their agricultural lands for 15 billion euros. However, biogas production from manure may offer a more effective solution.
On the 20th of September we came together for the mini-symposium Biogas, organised by the Swedish Biogas Solutions Research Centre together with the Platform Renewable Fuels, the Platform Green Gas and the Dutch Biorefinery Cluster.
Prognos AG, Berlin/Basel, the Deutsche Biomasse Forschungszentrum DBFZ and UMSICHT were commissioned by the German mineral oil industry associations to draw up a study on the prospects of liquid energy sources in the energy transition.
This report outlines the various substrates and technologies for green gas production and examines how much natural gas can be replaced by green gas in specific countries.
This report by Task 33 of IEA Bioenergy provides an overview of gasification-based drop-in products for the production of sustainable fuels, chemicals and materials.
07-06-2022 | Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen heeft in samenwerking met het Bio-LNG platform de minister en staatsecretaris voor Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, de heer Harbers en mevrouw Heijen, op de hoogte gebracht van de rol van groen gas in de vervoerssector.
Regina Goijen's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
The report of IEA Bioenergy, published in November 2021, discusses renewable gas in terms of the state of the industry and its future in a decarbonised world. The report provides an overview of the state of the art of the production and the current incentive systems used.
The report explores various transition paths, particularly in the industry, to find out the amount of climate neutral molecules that would be necessary towards 2050 if the energy and raw materials supply must be virtually emission-free.