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In 2015, Scope Bioenergy & Sustainability published a report on bridging the gaps on Bioenergy & Sustainability. This SCOPE series assessment is a collaborative effort including the contribution of 130 experts from 24 countries.
PBL presenteert de Trajectverkenning Klimaatneutraal 2050. Deze bestaat uit een hoofdrapport met een synthese, en verschillende deelrapporten over de mogelijke ontwikkelrichtingen op specifieke onderwerpen zoals klimaatneutrale mobiliteit, en beschikbaarheid biogrondstoffen.
The “2023 Billion-Ton Report: An Assessmentof U.S. Renewable Carbon Resource” was recently brought forward by the US Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office.
Jeremy Moorhouse from IEA presented numbers on the possibility of a supply crunch for biofuels. What are the feedstocks that offer potential?
The European Commission published a report that analyses the factors contributing to the development of advanced and sustainable biofuels production, taking into account the relevant European policy context and uncertainties therein.
De informatiekaart bio-energie geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste kenmerken, voor- en nadelen en strategische vragen van bio-energie.
Platform Renewable Fuels has writen a Technical Note on Land-based biomass and energy crops and provides an analysis on how to make land-based biomass and energy crops intergrated in a sustainable land use.
This report by the European Environmental Agency provides a comprehensive overview of the complex relationship between different biomass utilisation options and the EU Green Deal. It raises the question whether and how conflicting policy objectives can be achieved simultaneously.
The EU Horizon2020 funded Phy2Climate project uses phytoremediation to tackle the issue of soil pollution while simultaneously creating a sustainable feedstock for renewable fuels.
The European Technology and Innovation Platform published their Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2023. We have gathered some of their insights on current developments and innovation surrounding biofuels and renewable fuels.
This video showcases the potential of Torrgreen's mobile torrefaction and power units. They're designed to allow for better use of agricultural residues, by converting them into compact energy carriers at the site of harvest, instead of burning them as is currently customary.
Vertoro is a "capital-backed and university-backed chemical startup with a novel and protected approach to transforming woody and agricultural residues into a wide range of bio-based chemicals, materials, and fuels".
Het Sustainable Industry Lab van de Universiteit Utrecht schetst in dit rapport hoe de Nederlandse basisindustrie in 2050 klimaatneutraal en circulair kan produceren.
In an interview with France24, Andre Faaij argues that the stalling of the EU's Nature Restoration Law is a "tragedy", as what it "wants to achieve is very important for future food production", as well as for reforestation.
In dit rapport heeft CE Delft (in opdracht van Natuur & Milieu) een toekomstbeeld opgesteld van hoe een Nederlandse industrie eruit kan zien, die in 2037 klimaatneutraal kan opereren, zonder fossiele brandstoffen.
On August 31st, Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen will be hosting a workshop exploring the role of maritime shipping as a new leader in the wider transition to renewable energy.