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The European Technology Innovation Platform for Bioenergy (ETIP-Bioenergy) invites the research and innovation bioenergy community to participate in the TRUSTxBio: Empowering Trust and Innovation in Biofuels and Bioenergy Challenge.
Het Platform presenteert een geüpdatete versie van het factsheet Jaarverplichting. De update verwerkt de laatste ontwikkelingen die gepresenteerd zijn door Minister Mark Harbers (MinIenW) in een tweede voortgangsbrief aan de Tweede Kamer over de implementatie van RED-III.
Het Platform heeft een factsheet gemaakt die uiteenzet wat de jaarverplichting inhoudt, uit welke Europese wetgeving het voortvloeit, en hoe deze gaat veranderen.
Het verplichte aandeel hernieuwbare energie dat leveranciers op de markt moeten brengen gaat met 20 PJ omhoog.
The European Commission published a report that analyses the factors contributing to the development of advanced and sustainable biofuels production, taking into account the relevant European policy context and uncertainties therein.
Platform Renewable Fuels has writen a Technical Note on Land-based biomass and energy crops and provides an analysis on how to make land-based biomass and energy crops intergrated in a sustainable land use.
The European Court of Auditors recently published a “Special report, the EU’s support for sustainable biofuels in transport – An unclear route ahead”. This report strongly criticises EU policy on biofuels.
To assist the European Parliament's (EP) TRAN committee, a study was conducted by the EP's Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies together with external authors from Trinomics and Aether, on the potential of sustainable fuels in transport.
Horizon Europe, an European Union initiative to fund projects tackling climate change, announced the launch of two new projects relating to the production of biofuels and provided updates on ongoing projects.
Vertoro is a "capital-backed and university-backed chemical startup with a novel and protected approach to transforming woody and agricultural residues into a wide range of bio-based chemicals, materials, and fuels".
In this letter from the High Ambition Coalition, 18 government officials from around the world stress the importance of limiting global warming to 1.5C and making the energy transition a fair one...
In an interview with France24, Andre Faaij argues that the stalling of the EU's Nature Restoration Law is a "tragedy", as what it "wants to achieve is very important for future food production", as well as for reforestation.