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Jeremy Moorhouse from IEA presented numbers on the possibility of a supply crunch for biofuels. What are the feedstocks that offer potential?
Een presentatie van Timo Gerlagh & Paul Sinnige van RVO, over de beschikbaarheid van biomassa in Europa. Een presentatie van Timo Gerlagh & Paul Sinnige van RVO, over de beschikbaarheid van biomassa in Europa.
This brochure by Volvo Trucks describes the pros and cons of different alternative fuels. It emphasises the importance of a holistic view and the co-operation between all the various players involved in the analysis and selection of the fuels that will carry us into a sustainable
Roland Berger was appointed by Auto Fuel Coalition to conduct an independent study on EU road transport decarbonization. This is a presentation of the study results.
Presentation on fuel options for the Nordic shipping sector, by Julia Hansson, Stina Månsson, Selma Brynolf, Maria Grahn, Erik Fridell. Funded by Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels (f3) and Swedish Energy Agency...
Presentatie van Eric van den Heuvel, directeur van het Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen, over de betekenis van biobrandstoffen in het terugdringen van de klimaatimpact van transport in Nederland.
Professor of Sustainable Energy Supply Systems Gert Jan Kramer's inaugural address at Utrecht University. (The PDF also contains Martin Junginger's inaugural address.)
Presentation by Carlo Hamelinck (then Ecofys, now studio Gear Up) on Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) from biofuels and its implications for sustainability.
These are the slides for Ilkka Hannula's presentation at the Live Lunch Seminar held in Pakhuis de Zwijger on November 22nd 2022. See the event page for more details.
Agneev Mukherjee's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Gert Jan Kramer's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.