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Extra meeting building block biofeedstock strategy for the energy and feedstock transition
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Extra meeting building block biofeedstock strategy for the energy and feedstock transition

As agreed in the recent meeting of the brandstoffentafel 13 June, the Platform will organise a session to discuss some leading principles for the use of bio feedstock in the energy and feedstock transition. This will take place Wednesday 28 June 9-10. Prof. John Grin, independent chair of the platform, will in his capacity of professor, present some basic principles with the purpose to discuss these with participants. The meeting is meant for participants of the Brandstoffentafel en members of Platform Renewable Fuels. To attend the online meeting, please register via the blue button.

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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