Government advice to ramp-up renewable fuels by 2030

The Dutch government recently sent the report "Scherpe doelen, scherpe keuzes” (Sharp goals, sharp choices) to parliament, with a summary of measures how to achieve extra greenhouse gas reductions in 2030. This report contains a proposal to include an extra 50 PJ of renewable fuels in the annual obligation for renewable energy in transport. This will result in an extra CO2 emission reduction of 3.7 million tonnes for the Netherlands. Within the mobility sector a total extra reduction of 5.6 million tonnes CO2 is proposed. This shows the substantial contribution of the measure towards higher deployment of renewable fuels. In other words: the government cannot ignore renewable fuels in achieving a higher climate ambition in 2030.

What does this proposal mean?

• It concerns national climate reduction, and therefore this implies the deployment of renewable fuels in the national road transport, non-road and inland shipping sectors (bunkered to inland shipping in the Netherlands).

• The proposed 50 PJ is in addition to the mandatory volume to comply with the RED III (i.e., the new volumes that are still under negotiation for the revision of the RED).

• This report contains advice to the Cabinet. The government will make a decision on these additional climate measures soon and then forward it to Parliament.