2018 Update - Technology status advanced and renewable biofuels value chains

In 2017, the Sub Group of Advanced Biofuels, part of the Sustainable Transport Forum provided an overview on the developments in the value chains of advanced biofuels, renewable fuels and low-carbon fuels initiatives in Europe. They consisted of a final report, a technology status report and a report on costs of biofuels.

Under the umbrella of the Alternative Renewable Transport Fuels Forum (a EU project assembling the industrial technology development initiatives) and on-going project under the IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Platform (collaboration by over twenty countries) study of the future cost of biofuels, an update of the SGAB report “Technology status and reliability of the value chains” has been published, including new and emerging technologies.

The authors of the report, Ingvar Landälv and Lars Waldheim, have in principle used the same methodology as in the previous version, i.e. primarily approaching developers and project owners for information, and which have been complemented by publicly available information as required. The fact that much information is provided by then developers and project owners provides validation to the data in the report.