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Platform Session - Preparing for BioMob#3 - Nov 1st
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Workgroup Meeting

Platform Session - Preparing for BioMob#3 - Nov 1st

On November 1st we will come together with the working group feedstocks and transparency as well as the working group communication to prepare for our strategy event on biomass mobilization: BioMob#3.


The program for this session will contain the following:

1.     We will discuss the cabinet’s request to deliver input on the NPE concept: how to bridge the gap between the high demand for renewable fuels/feedstocks and availability?

2.     We have invited our communication partners at VandeJong to present the BioMob campaign that they are working on

3.     We will discuss the scoping on Annex IX-A, the category 'Other' and RFNBOs

4.     We will present an overview of different technical pathways for the conversion of biomass

5.     We will aim to sketch out the new green production system: how different conversion technologies can work together

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
studio Gear Up, Cruquiusweg 111A Amsterdam
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Platform Members / Invitation Only

If there are many registrations, we will go to Polder at Science Park Amsterdam. We will notify you if this is the case.

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