Long-term perspective on renewable gas production in the Netherlands
With ambitious policy goals and an increasing demand for renewable gas in multiple markets: buildings, industry, and transportation the perspectives to ramp-up production and deployment of renewable gas are good. Still, there are obstacles to investments.
Together with Platform Groen Gas we invite you to join the discussion on the implementation of a comprehensive programme, including synergies and the longer-term perspective on renewable gas solutions in this seminar.
Specifically for the Netherlands, we often hear concerns about a potential lock-in if manure is the feedstock for biomethane. After all, if the policy goal is a reduction of the Dutch livestock population, this feedstock may no longer be available at this scale. While this is a valid concern, there are ways to avoid such a lock-in. This seminar showcases the prospective opportunities.
Expanding the production of biomethane from manure as a raw material, will effectively and significantly help to finance solutions to address the urgent issue of nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands as the seminar of Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP) has recently shown. Despite reports of increased investments in biomethane production, there is still a lack of a fast implementation of a comprehensive program for the processing of manure. Based on current estimates, the surplus of manure in the Netherlands is expected to increase by more than fivefold by 2026.
Yet manure digestation is not the only pathway, nor the only feedstock. To gain better understanding and explore potential integrated approaches, this upcoming seminar aims to address (i) the improvement of the (business) case of biomethane through highlighting synergies and valorisation opportunities, (ii) how to support the gasification option, (iii) the potential of biomethane in combination with e-fuel production (iv) and the longer perspective on developing e-methane supply-chains and feedstock flexibility.
- Introduction: potential for renewable methane in the Netherlands
- How a comprehensive biomethane production plan can contribute to solving the Dutch nitrogen crisis, Wim Thomas, Founder ES3, Senior Advisor to the Board at Tach2yone GmbH
- How to valorise the avoided methane-emissions, Robert Goevaers, director Platform Groen Gas
- Lessons learnt and best practices from Sweden on biodigestate applications, Karin Tonderski, Swedish Biogas Solution Centre
- How to ramp up the gasification of biomass pathway for providing the necessary volumes to meet 2030 targets, speaker invited
- Green Gas Revolution: Synergizing Electrolysis and Fermentation for Farm-to-Fuel Efficiency, Joàn Teerling, Professor Renewable Gases and Fuels at Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
- Import of e-methane from an energy security perspective with Bram Poeth, TES H2
- Conclusion: identification of actions and innovation themes to include in an integrated innovation and investment plan for the ramp-up and deployment of renewable methane in the Netherlands
- Drinks and networking
Location: OBA | Oosterdokskade 143 | 1011 DL Amsterdam | 020-5230 900 |
To register, or for any questions or more information, please send an email to