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Clean Fuel Contracts - How to claim your climate reductions
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Workgroup Meeting

Clean Fuel Contracts - How to claim your climate reductions

In this meeting we will present the Clean Fuel Contract Sector Initiative as a follow-up on the blockchain renewable fuels project.
The initiative has the support of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

At a recent meeting at the Dutch Transport Logistic organization, TLN, this project received full endorsement as an important way for the logistic sector to report in the context of the upcoming sustainability reporting regulation, starting from 2024!
Also, Inland Shipping has come forward with the question if a Clean Fuel Contract for inland shipping could be created.

Thus, we hope you will be joining the next Clean Fuel Contract meeting: the market is waking up to the need for this.


·       State of affairs

·       Set up of a Clean Fuel Contracts Foundation

Choice of principle:

1. Does the foundation organize the "trust framework" that Clean Fuel Contracts must meet, through which parties can work together with their suppliers of choice?
2. In principle, will the foundation itself develop a platform through which Clean Fuel Contracts will be generated according to the trust framework?

Make decisions on:

1. The budget
2. Project leader
3. Establish foundation + install foundation board
4. Governance principles to be laid down in statutes
5. Request for Proposal

  *Minimal viable project
  * Initial set-up of system

Ambition: May 1, 2024

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Location: (in Amsterdam) TBD
Friday, November 3, 2023
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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